How Automation Enhances Efficiency and Employee Experience

How can automation enable workplace teams to automate tasks and focus on the more important work? Find out in our latest blog.

How Automation Enhances Efficiency and Employee Experience
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

In workplaces today, managing all your tasks, keeping engaged with employees, and making progress on programs can feel overwhelming. Modern workplace management in a distributed world requires innovative solutions. Automation stands out as a powerful but accessible tool because it offers so many benefits for streamlining ops and freeing up time to allow you to do the human side of creating an engaging workplace environment.

Understanding Automation in Workplace Management

Automation in the workplace usually involves using technology to perform routine administrative tasks that traditionally require a human in the loop. This encompasses a range of technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) applications, Internet of Things (IoT), and other sophisticated solutions designed to manage tasks such as scheduling, comms, and logistics. These include booking systems, intelligent HVAC controls, and IoT-enabled equipment that optimize usage and maintenance schedules.

The primary benefits of automation for workplace managers are time returned for focusing on critical items and lowering errors. In a world where we're all doing more with less, automating repetitive tasks like data entry for daily walk-throughs, scheduling, and resource tracking frees up time for workplace managers to focus on more strategic initiatives. Automation also reduces the likelihood of errors, ensuring that recurring tasks like billing and bookings can be handled with precision.  There's nothing worse than being overwhelmed and booking the room for the wrong time only to find out when your team gets there. When we reduce our tasks, we also have much more brain power to catch all the potential errors.

As your CFO will be happy to hear, cost efficiency is also a benefit of automation in the workplace. Automation can significantly reduce overhead by optimizing the use of utilities and supplies, leading to noticeable reductions in operational costs. For example, intelligent systems can adjust lighting and heating based on occupancy, reducing unnecessary expenditures. Just think about how many buildings are always running power and HVAC at night.

Impact of Automation on Workplace Culture and Well-Being

Automation's impact extends beyond operational efficiency, influencing employee well-being. Tools like automated scheduling can improve work-life balance by facilitating flexible work arrangements. Intelligent systems that automatically adjust lighting and temperature based on environmental conditions and occupancy create a more comfortable and, thus, productive work environment. There's nothing worse than expecting to get to a space and collaborate, only not to find anyone or be so uncomfortable that you can't get any work done.

However, implementing such technologies requires careful consideration of privacy concerns and managing the change process. Transparent communication and policies are essential to address these concerns and ensure that automation is seen as a tool for enhancement rather than something that just creates more work. Workplace managers are already seriously overloaded; automation is just another tool in our toolkit to help alleviate that burden, and if we use it correctly, it creates space for us to focus on improvements rather than maintenance.

Implementation Roadmap

Integrating automation into a workplace setting starts with understanding your workplace's specific needs and challenges. Workplace managers should consider factors such as the size of the workplace (or portfolio), the nature of the tasks performed, and the overall budget. A phased implementation plan can help manage the transition, starting with the most impactful solutions and gradually expanding as the team adapts to using the new systems.

Training and change management are also critical to success. Comprehensive training sessions and resources can help teams feel more comfortable and competent with new technologies, ensuring smooth operation and high adoption rates.  For enterprise teams, this may mean testing out a new piece of technology at one location and then, once fully vetted, expanding to other locations or teams.

Future of Automation in Workplace Management

The role of the workplace manager is constantly evolving. As workplace technologies gain wider adoption alongside reporting requirements continuing to evolve, more integrated systems like Trebellar combine data from various sources to provide holistic insights into workplace operations will be essential. Challenges remain like integrating increasingly complex systems, but the potential for transformative improvements in workplace management and experience are undeniable.

By understanding the available tools and implementing them thoughtfully, workplace managers can address current challenges and prepare for a period of more responsive workplaces that benefit our teams.