Rising Expectations: The Consumerization of B2B Software

Consumer technology is reshaping expectations for workplace technology. Read our latest blog post to find out how.

Rising Expectations: The Consumerization of B2B Software
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

The rapid advancement of consumer technology has dramatically impacted employees' expectations for technology in the workplace. As consumer devices become more sophisticated and integrated into daily life, employees increasingly expect similar levels of sophistication and convenience in their professional environments. In this article, we'll discuss how consumer technology developments are driving higher expectations for office technology and how businesses can adapt to meet these demands.

The Consumerization of B2b Software

The consumerization of B2B software refers to the trend where consumer technology influences and shapes the technology used in the workplace. This shift has been driven by the widespread adoption of personal devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearables, which employees now use for individual and professional tasks. According to a survey by Avanade, 61% of companies report that most of their employees use personal computing devices at work, and 54% use smartphones for basic work tasks. This trend has blurred the lines between personal and professional technology, raising the bar for what employees expect from their workplace tools.  Why is it we can start a facetime from our iPhone successfully, but the video system in the conference room works 50% of the time?

Enhanced User Experience

Consumer technology is often designed with a strong focus on user experience, emphasizing ease of use, intuitive interfaces, and seamless integration. Employees now expect the same level of user-friendliness in their office technology. For instance, messaging apps like Slack and video conferencing tools like Zoom have become staples in modern workplaces due to their ease of use and ability to facilitate real-time communication and collaboration. The expectation is that workplace technology should be as simple and efficient as the apps and devices employees use in their personal lives.

Mobility and Flexibility

The rise of mobile technology has empowered employees to work from anywhere, anytime. This has led to a demand for office technology that supports remote work and flexible schedules. Cloud computing solutions, for example, have become essential for enabling employees to access work-related documents and applications from any location. Working remotely and staying connected through mobile devices is no longer a luxury but a necessity, especially in the post-pandemic era, where hybrid work models are becoming the norm.

Integration of AI and Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation have become integral parts of consumer technology, from intelligent assistants like Siri to automated home devices like Alexa. AI is being leveraged in the workplace to enhance productivity and streamline operations. AI-powered tools can assist in data analysis, automate routine tasks, and provide valuable insights that help decision-making processes. Employees will expect their office technology to incorporate these advanced features to improve efficiency and reduce the burden of repetitive tasks.

Security and Privacy

Security and privacy have become significant concerns with the increasing use of personal devices for work. Employees expect robust security measures to protect their data and ensure privacy. This includes the implementation of multi-factor authentication, encryption, and secure access controls. Companies must balance the flexibility provided by consumer technology with stringent security protocols to safeguard sensitive information.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

Sustainability has also become a significant concern for consumers, reflected in their expectations for workplace technology. Employees are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of electronic waste and expect their employers to adopt sustainable practices. This includes using energy-efficient devices, recycling programs, and supporting technologies that reduce carbon footprints. Additionally, ethical considerations around AI and data privacy are becoming more prominent, with employees expecting transparency and responsible use of technology.


These developments in consumer technology have set a high standard for what employees expect from their workplace technology. To meet these expectations, businesses must invest in modern, user-friendly, secure technology solutions that support mobile productivity and align with ethical, sustainable practices. The consumerization of B2B technology is shaping the future of work, and businesses that embrace this trend will be better suited to thrive in the evolving world of the workplace.